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BMW SSS Progman v32 Multilanguage (VMware) Win 5.80 GB Progman is an abbreviation of 'Programming Manager' a BMW software based system designed to reside on a specific set of hardware configuration (SSS or SSSr2) that will allow software updates to.
Mar 28, 2020 BMW SP Daten 2.49.0 V49. The original factory firmware, designed to upgrade the software of electronic control units (ECU) vehicle and motorcycle company. This firmware BMW SP Daten 2.49.0 V49 used in conjunction with programs WinKFP, NCS Expert, Inpa (BMW Standard Tools). Hidden text, you need log in or register. I have worked with ncsexpert and the software installed in bmw 2013 tools. I have he winkfp software. I have recently had gone to independent specialist and found there is a new software almost very module on my car. Could you please guide me on how to do the update to my car on my own. Or do just get it done thru the local independent specialist.
- INPA BMW Software is for BMW diagnostic & coding software, INPA BMW Software work with INPA/Ediabas K+DCAN USB Interface professional performance than OBD2 Scanners, support BMW E-Chassis vehicles from 1998 to 2008. Here share all about INPA BMW software & INPA K+DCAN hardware as follow.
- The Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (Petuelring 130. 80809 Munich, 'BMW AG') only processes the personal data you provide in order to answer your enquiry and for purpose-based service. When required, the BMW AG transfers the data you provided to BMW sales companies to your local market.
Compatibility and PC Requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10 - 32bit and 64bit
Will run on any laptop with a USB 2.0 / 3.0 port and minimum 72Gb spare hard drive space
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This package will diagnose faults and tell you how to carry out the necessary repairs, including how to get components safely off and back on again, and the exact BMW part numbers to order for your own car. It tells you when to service the car and how to carry out the work. It also allows programming of your car. BMW DIS V57 (English) |
Bmw Sss V42 Software Download Windows 7
- Jun 21, 2011 Diagnostics, coding, programming, repair BMW vehicles. BMWelcome BMW coding and programming BMW GT1, OPS/OPPS, INPA BMW INPA Ediabas installation guide + software User Name.
- Jul 02, 2016 RE: BMW GT1,DIS,SSS,PROGMANAutoInstaller I did introduce myself, please help;'( my car is dead still 2 weeks passed please help! Moe00, proud to.
This article show the guide on how to install BMW Standard 2.12,follow the easy step-by-step guide,install it to your laptop.And click:BMW Standard Tools 2.12 Free Download to download it,then follow below guide.
If previous versions/attempts were installed, go to add/remove programs and remove those versions.
Ensure you have at least 15 GB free space on the C Drive, or virtual drive if using a Virtual Machine.
Determine whether your OS has 32 or 64 bit encryption before beginning the install. 4). Download your chassis DATEN by using the link contained within the “DATEN Link” text file. Install the program 7Zip to extract your DATEN download (
Procedures of BMW Standard Tool Installation:
1.Right click on BMW Standard tools-212.exe and run as administrator. If installing on Windows 8 or 10, right click and select properties then compatibility tab. Select “Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows 7.
2.Click “Yes” when asked to allow the program to make changes to your computer.
3.Select “English”.
4.Select “Next”.

5.Select “I accept the agreement”, then “Next” and select “Next” when you’re done reading the release notes.
6.Accept the default install options (we’ll worry about the KDCAN drivers in a later step). Select the default location for each of the programs being installed on next few screens.
7.Select the default Start Menu Folder by clicking “Next”.
8.Uncheck both “Execute backup and restore wizard and click next.
9.Select “Ok” when the message pops up.
10.Select the default interface by clicking “Next”.
11.Select default Com Port (Com 1) by clicking next. We can change this later if need be.
12.Click “Install”.
13.Select “No, I will restart the computer later” and click “Finish”. No need to do this, can use software without rebooting.
14.Select the 3 folders below and delete them. This install was primarily used to create all the environment variables and registry entries necessary to run these programs. Now, we’ll copy a pre-configured set up with English files and translations already in place, plus select which NCS Expert version you need to use (32 or 64 bit). NOTE: You won’t have the NCSEXPER64 folder yet.
15.Select the downloaded folders below and copy them to your C: Drive. NOTE: For 32 bit systems, select “NCSEXPERT”; for 64 bit systems, select “NCSEXPER_64”.
16.Run the BMW Coding Tool by right clicking and “Run as Administrator”, the select “Yes” when asked to allow this program to make changes to your computer.
17.We will define a few settings on this screen so that we can import the DATENs.
Button 1, Browse to the location where you downloaded your SP-DATEN and click the chassis folder (i.e., E89). The DATEN folder must not be a zipped file and must contain the following folders (cfgdat, data, daten, ecu, format, kmmData, sgdat, work). If not, this import process will not work.

Button 1, Browse to the location where you downloaded your SP-DATEN and click the chassis folder (i.e., E89). The DATEN folder must not be a zipped file and must contain the following folders (cfgdat, data, daten, ecu, format, kmmData, sgdat, work). If not, this import process will not work.
Button 2, Select the NCS Expert folder that you copied to your C: drive in step 15.
Button 3, Select the Ediabas folder that you copied to your C: drive in step 15.
Button 4, Select the EC-APPSNFS folder that you copied to your C: drive in step 15.
Button 5, Click this button to begin the process of importing your DATEN. At this point, you’re able to begin coding and utilizing INPA for troubleshooting. You will only need to use button 6 if you’re planning on flashing updated software to any of your modules.
Button 6, Click this button to import the files required to update the software on your modules. Depending on your chassis, this will appear to freeze at times while copying CI*** files/folders. This is due to the copying of large files that’s utilized to flash your CIC.

At this point, you’re software is completely set up for coding and/or flashing. We will move to the next step of configuring your KDCAN cable drivers.
nNOTE: If the program displays an error when attempting to select the default folders, ensure you have these folders on your C: drive (if not, create it as an empty folder):
- C:EC-APPSINPA = BIN, CFGDAT, DEMO, DOKU, english, english.met, HELP, PRT, SGDAT, source
18.Once you plug up the KDCAN to your laptop, you should see this window. If not, go the lower right of the screen next to clock and look for this icon, click on it to bring up the window.
19.Once the driver install is complete, you will see this info within the window.
Bmw Daten E85

20.Go to the start menu and type in “Device Manager”. There are several ways to bring up Device Manager, depending on your Operating System version. You should see “USB Serial Port (COMX)”. We will now modify the driver to the proper settings by double clicking device.
21.Click on the “Port Settings” tab, then “Advanced”.
22.Change the Com Port Number and Latency to 1, then click “Ok”.
23.Click “Ok”, then “Ok” again, you should notice your Com Port changed to 1. If for some reason you can’t assign Com Port 1, you can modify the OBD.ini file in C:EDIABASBin directory. Change the info in the second line (Port=Com1) to the Com Port assigned in the previous step, save and close the OBD.ini file.
24.At this point, you’re set up and ready to connect to your BMW.
1). Coding instructions are included on the BMW Coding Tool mainscreen
2). To import multiple versions of DATENs, use buttons 1, 5, and 6 from Step 17 for each chassis you want to utilize.
3). NCS Profiles: “CNCoding” – Basic Coding/changing values; “ExpertMode” – Default Coding/resetting module to factory defaults based on VO.