What is MultiFlasher Software?
MultiFlasher is a chip-tuning software intended for reading/writing FLASH and EEPROM memory of ECUs. It can use any adapter supporting J2534 standard, e.g. OpenPort 2.0 by Tactrix. Before flashing and after reading the program checks the firmware and checksums, and corrects them if needed. It allows to avoid flashing incorrect dumps or to make sure that reading is correct. It contains a function of errors reading, decoding and reset with a possibility to manually add and edit their description.
MultiFlasher Software Functions
Bosch M(G)7.9.8
Automatically searches for new versions when online. If you want the best performance for your car - and we know you do - you also need a wide range of setting options. MaxxECU uses the intuitive MTune PC-software. MTune PC software, PC or a windows tablet - It's all in the hand of the mastermind tuner. Trusted Windows (PC) download ECU Flash tool 1.1.4. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get ECU Flash tool alternative downloads.
Only FLASH memory writing through the OBDII. Vehicles: KIA/Hyundai i10, i20, i30, Accent (Verna), Elantra, Pikanto, Rio, Ceed, Cerato, Soul, etc with 1.4L, 1.6L engines and a mechanical accelerator pedal.
Host your own family feud. Siemens SIMK-31/41/43, SIM2K-47
- 1.) Galletto 1260 flashing cable main Function for auto chip tunning. 2.) But KWP 2000 Plus ECU REMAP Flasher Tuning Tool can Read and analyse your current ECU software, Upgrade the ECU software with a re-mapped file, Repair ECU with software problems or corruption. Languages: 1.) KWP2000 Plus chip tuning tool support English language.
- MegaTunix is a cross-platform tuning application for some of the available DIY Fuel Injection controllers, including the MegaSquirt (MS1, MS1-Extra, MS2 and MS2-Extra) as well as the LibreEMS EFI system and the JimStim ECU stimulator/development tool. Downloads: 13 This Week Last Update: 2013-06-18 See Project.
- Download EcuFlash 1.44.4870 for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10. Ecufl.win.exe 16614 kb.exe. EcuFlash version 1.38 for Mac OSX is provided for legacy OpenPort 1.3 cable support only. There is currently no EcuFlash support for the OpenPort 2.0 pending necessary OSX driver development.
FLASH memory reading and writing through the OBDII. Vehicles: KIA/Hyundai Coupe, Elantra, SantaFe, Sonata, Tiburon, Tucson, Ceed, Cerato, Sportage, etc with 2.0L and 2.7L engines.
The set of modules: Siemens SIM2K-140/141/142/341/D160
FLASH memory reading through ECU connector and flashing through the OBDII. Vehicles: KIA/Hyundai Carens, Cerato new, Magentis, Sonata, Sorento, Sportage new, ix35, etc with 2.0L and 2.4L engines, and Chevrolet Epica with 2.0L and 2.5L engines. Siemens SIM2K-241/242/245/С201. Reading and flashing through the OBDII diagnostic link connector. Supports GDS format. Vehicles: Elantra MD 1.8, Sonata new, i40 2.0, ix35 new, Ceed new, Cerato new, Optima new, etc., SsangYong Actyon 2.0, Korando.
BSL TriCore
Reading and flashing of ECU internal and external FLASH/EEPROM memory with Infineon TriCore TC1724, TC1728, TC1738, TC1762, TC1766, TC1767, TC1782, TC1792, TC1793, TC1796, TC1797 processors in BSL mode. The approximate short list of supported ECUs BOSCH M(E)17.9.7 (VAZ/UAZ), and ME17, ME (D, G)17, EDC17 (AMG, Audi, BMW, Citroen, Honda, Hyundai, KIA, Land Rover, Mercedes, Mini, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Saab, Skoda, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo).
Special functions:
Checksum and BOSCH digital signature verification/recalculation, Siemens/Continental SIM2K 240-245 checksum verification/recalculation;
Protection passwords reading: BOSCH TPROT 8-10 VAG, TPROT 11-13 KIA/Hyundai, TPROT 12 M(E)17.9.71 VAZ/UAZ, GPT (a special adapter is needed) и Siemens/Continental SID208 Ford, EMS2204 Ford, SIM2K-24x KIA/Hyundai/SsangYong/Chevrolet;
BOSCH and Siemens/Continental SIM2K 240-245 maps import;
protection disabling in BOSCH M(E)17.9.71 VAZ/UAZ.
Bosch M(E)17.9.7
Only ECUs FLASH memory writing of VAZ/UAZ vehicles through the OBDII;
Set of modules M(E)17.9.7
Only ECUs FLASH memory writing of VAZ/UAZ vehicles through the OBDII. Special functions: IMMO OFF without opening the ECU. Only ME17.9.7 VAZ!!! Bosch M(E)17.9.71 VAZ/UAZ OBD. For flashing factory files in any ECUs, and tuned files to ECUs with disabled protection (in BSL mode). Special feature — ECU protection state definition;
Kontakt 5.6.8 torrent mac. EDC17C08/CP14 KIA/Hyundai
Only FLASH memory writing through the OBDII. Vehicles: KIA/Hyundai Ceed 1.6 CRDI, IX35 2.0 CRDI, SantaFe 2.2 CRDI, Sorento 2.2 D, Soul 1.6 D, Sportage 1.7 CRDI / 2.0 CRDI, etc.;
Bosch ME 17.9.11/12/13. FLASH memory reading and flashing with factory and tuned files through the OBDII. Supports GDS format. Vehicles: KIA/Hyundai with 1.4L, 1.6L engines and an electronic accelerator pedal;
Bosch M(E) 7.9.7(+)
Only FLASH memory writing of M7.9.7, M7.9.7+ and ME7.9.7 controllers installed in Korean and Chinese vehicles through the OBDII, and in Russian vehicles through the ECU connector. Supports SMS-Software compressed format. ME7.9.71 support will be available soon.

Siemens EMS2204
Only writing FLASH memory writing with factory and tuned files through the OBDII. Supports VBF format. For Ford Focus III with a 1.6L engine. Delphi DCM 3.7 SsangYong. FLASH memory reading and writing through the OBDII, all checksums verification, checksum verification and correction for maps area.
MultiFlasher Price:
Original MultiFlasher Price
Full activation | $1300 |
Bosch M(G)7.9.8 | $100 |
Siemens SIMK-31/41/43, SIM2K-47 OBD | $100 |
Set of Siemens SIM2K modules | $200 |
BSL TriCore | $400 |
BSL TriCorBSL TriCore Discount for ME 17.9.11/12 module users.e | $200 |
Set of modules: Bosch M(E)17.9.7 VAZ/UAZ OBD and Bosch M(E)17.9.71 VAZ/UAZ OBD | $150 |
Bosch EDC17C08/CP14 KIA/Hyundai | $250 |
Bosch ESet of modules: Bosch ME 17.9.11/12/13, Bosch MED(G) 17.9.8 and Bosch ME(G) 17.9.21DC17C08/CP14 KIA/Hyundai | $200 |
Siemens EMS2204 | $150 |
Delphi DCM 3.7 SsangYong | $150 |
Clone Multiflasher Price about $180
MultiFlasher Chip Tuning Software Update Log:
Multiflasher v3.11 :
– Module for B-osch EDC17C08/CP14 for KIA/Hyundai: improved identification of opened files;
– ID reading update, 10SW005072 is now supported;
– improved connection in all diagnostic modules using CAN-bus. The connection is two times faster now depending on the adapter!
Multiflasher v2.26:
– the function of switching off the protection of the control unit for B-osch M (E) has been added to the BSL TriCore module 17.9.71
– the documentation for the module adds a description of new features
– new module for B-osch M (E) 17.9.71 VAZ / UAZ OBD. To record factory firmware in any computer, and tuning, in the ECU with disabled (in BSL mode) protection. A special function of the module is to determine the state of protection in the computer.
Multiflasher v2.25:

– TC1793 processor support added to the BSL TriCore module
– the documentation for the module is supplemented with information on for Siemens SIM2K-240
– in the documentation for the module, the connection description of EDC17C57
Vectra z32se manual. – for non-Russian users of the bootloader, messages from the BSL TriCore module are translated into English.
Multiflasher v2.24:
– BSL TriCore module adds the ability to import calibrations of the for B-osch and for Siemens control units SIM2K-240 – 245
– the recognition of new software for Siemens SIM2K-243 is added to BSL TriCore module
– for Opel keys added to BSL TriCore module
– for S-iemens SIM2K-240 information added to the documentation for the module
Multiflasher v2.23:
– Added for V-olkswagen keys
to the module of the BSL TriCore – the recognition, the display of the IDs, the checking / checking of the checksums of for Siemens control module SIM2K-240 – 245 have been added to the BSL TriCore module. The documentation for the module has been added
Multiflasher v2.22:
– the TC1728 processor support has been added to the BSL TriCore module
– the documentation for the module has been added – the error of reading the identifiers was corrected, after using the module BSL TriCore
Multiflasher v2.21:
– the function of reading the password of the for B-OSCH M (E) 17.9.71 (UAZ) blocks has been added to the BSL TriCore module – the support for the TC1724 processor has been added to the module BSL TriCore
– the documentation for the module has been added.
MultiFlasher Chip Tuning software, free download:
Original MultiFlasher Software Download:
From Nefmoto
Ecu Flashing Software Download
The NefMoto ME7 ECU flasher is a free tool that allows you to read and write the flash memory in your ME7 ECU in car over the OBD port. All that is required is a FTDI based USB OBD cable that works in 'dumb' mode. Dumb mode cables pass the raw serial data straight through without applying any higher level protocols. You can find the latest release of the software in the NefMoto Software sub-forum.
- ECUs can be written through the OBD port in about three and half minutes.
- ECUs can be read through the OBD port in about five minutes.
- User defined memory layouts allow for flashing any memory arrangement.
- Writing erases and programs one memory sector at a time to allow you to recover the ECU in case of failure.
- Written and read data is verified with checksums to ensure data was sent correctly.
- Reading and clearing error codes is also supported.
What this software does not do
- Does not update checksums or validate the file you are flashing in any way.
- Does not allow you to edit any maps, value, etc. It is just for flashing.
System requirements
- 32bit or 64bit Windows XP SP2 or Newer
- (Will work if run inside a virtual Windows machine on Mac and Linux as well)
- .NET 3.5 (installed automatically with Nefmoto ECU flashing software)
- FTDI USB D2XX driver version 2.06.00 or later
- 3 megabytes of free hard drive space
Known issues
- It seems as though there is a problem that occurs when NefMoto verifies that memory layout on ECUs with REVO or APR installed. Verifying the memory layout on ECUs with these tunes appears to cause a 'Programming not finished' error code. This will prevent the car from starting. The only official way to clear this error code is to write a new flash file to your ECU. If you have one of these aftrmarket tunes, backup your EEprom using ArgDub's tool. You can then restore it (in boot mode) in the event of a problem.
Please let Tony know via forum PM or email if you find any more issues.
Galletto 1260 Ecu Flash Software Download
The Nefmoto ECU flashing software is free to download and use. The latest release can be found here: NefMoto ME7 Flasher Logger
How to install
Ecu Flashing Software Download Windows 7
- Uninstall any previous versions of the NefMoto software before installing the latest version, just to be safe.
- Run the MSI installer downloaded from the NefMoto forum.
- Ensure that you have the FTD2XX driver installed for your specific cable.
- If you have a generic cable, download CDM20600.zip from the same forum post you got the MSI, then extract it and install the generic FTDI D2XX driver.
This section needs some love, please contribute!
- Connect your vehicle's battery to a constant, stable power source. This is vital, if the ECU loses power or voltage dips during any flashing operation recovery may require flashing through ECU Boot Mode or worse.
- Connect your flashing cable to your vehicle's OBD port.
- Turn on your ignition (but do not start the car). If the cable has an LED light it should illuminate.
- Select the memory layout for your ECU.
- At the top of the program choose Fast or Slow Init and Connect
- Choose one of the program options (Read/Write/etc)
- You will notice the activity in the console window
- When your operation is complete, choose Disconnect at the top of the program.
Ecu Flashing software download, free
- If you have connection or flashing issues it may be useful to post the debug log of your session to the forum for some help. From the file menu inside the NefMoto software there are multiple menu commands to locate or open the detailed log file. The file itself can be found at: %appdata%Nefarious MotorsportsNefMotoECUFlasher
Tested supported cables
- eBay USB VAG KKL using the FTDI D2XX standard driver (Non-affiliated eBay stores: 12)
- Ross-TechHEX-USB-CAN using the Ross-Tech FTDI D2XX driver ('boot in intelligent mode' must be unchecked in the VCDS options screen)
- Any dumb OBDII cable using the FTDI USB chip

Tested unsupported cables
- Galletto (Does not support dumb mode)
- KWP2000+ Flasher (Does not support dumb mode)
- Old Ross-Tech KEY-USB (Does not support true dumb mode)
If you want to check what chip is in your cable, or see if it supports NefMoto premium features, you can use the NefMoto ECU Flasher version or later. Just select the USB device and then hover your mouse over it. It will display all of the info about the FTDI chip in the cable and say if it supports premium NefMoto features.
These are the ECUs the NefMoto ECU flashing software has been tested and is supported on. Please feel free to add your own results to this list, or ask someone to update it for you. This list is not complete and the absence of a an ECU from the list does not indicate that it is not supported.
ECU Number | Make | Year | Car Info | Software | Hardware | Memory Layout | Tested By |
Audi | S4 | ||||||
8D0907551A | Audi | 2000 | S4 2.7T 6sp | 1037 35 2345 | 0261 206 110 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
8D0907551B | Audi | 2000 | S4 2.7T tip | 1037 35 2738 | 0261 206 109 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
8D0907551L | Audi | 2001 | S4 2.7T tip | 1037 35 4145 | 0261 207 004 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
8D0907551H | Audi | 2001 | S4 2.7T 6sp | 1037 35 4774 | 0261 206 774 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
8D0907551M | Audi | 2001 | S4 2.7T 6sp | 1037 35 4837 | 0261 207 143 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
8D0907551M | Audi | 2001 | S4 2.7T 6sp | 1037 36 0857 | 0261 207 143 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
8D0907551AA | Audi | 2002 | S4 2.7T tip | 1037 36 2276 | 0261 207 453 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
8D0907551T | Audi | 2002 | S4 2.7T 6sp | 1037 36 2558 | 0261 207 452 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
Audi | A6 | ||||||
4B0907551K | Audi | 2000 | A6 2.7T 6sp | 1037 35 2413 | 0261 206 561 | ME7 AM29F800BB | j2mc |
4B0907551L | Audi | 2000 | A6 2.7T tip | 1037 35 2815 | 0261 206 562 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
4B0907551T | Audi | 2001 | A6 2.7T tip | 1037 36 0864 | 0261 207 005 | ME7 AM29F800BB | Tony@NefMoto |
Audi | TT | ||||||
8N0906018AQ | Audi | 2001 | European TT 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
8N0906018AM | Audi | 2002 | European TT 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
8N0906018AL | Audi | 2002 | North American TT 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
8N0906018AP | Audi | 2003 | European TT 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
8L0906018M | Audi | 2000 | European TT 1.8T | ME7 AM29F400BB | bofh | ||
Audi | A3 | ||||||
06A906032HK | Audi | 2002 | European A3 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032HN | Audi | 2002 | European A3 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032HP | Audi | 2002 | European A3 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032HR | Audi | 2003 | European A3 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
VW | Golf/Bora/Jetta | ||||||
06A906032EN | VW | 2001 | European Golf/Bora 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032HJ | VW | 2002 | European Gof/Bora 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032HF | VW | 2002 | North American Golf/Jetta 1.8T Auto | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032HS | VW | 2002 | North American Golf/Jetta 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032DL | VW | 2001 | North American Golf/Jetta 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | Drehkraft | ||
06A906032ML | VW | 2002 | North American Golf/Jetta 1.8T 6-spd | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032KP | VW | 2003 | European Golf/Bora 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032LP | VW | 2003 | North American Golf/Jetta 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800 | ArgDub | ||
06A906032LQ | VW | 2003 | North American Golf/Jetta 1.8T Auto | ME7 AM29F800BB | ArgDub / KenMac | ||
06A906032PL | VW | 2003 | North American Golf/Jetta 1.8T | ME7 AM29F800BB | ArgDub / KenMac | ||
SKODA | |||||||
06A906032SJ | SKODA | 2005 | Octavia vRS 1.8T | 1037 369 040 | ME7.5 AM29F800 | Higgy |