Fatx Format Tool


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Alternatively, you can format your flash drive using USB FATX Formatter v1.3.2. To do so, insert your flash drive into your Windows PC. Right click on it and select 'Format.' Uncheck the 'Quick Format' button and then click 'Start.' As soon as you see the green progress bar appear, remove your flash drive. ^^ I also recommend trying the FATX formatter tool If that doesn't work, consider getting a regular xbox memory card and an Xbox controller to USB adapter. $10 for the memory card and like $3 for the adapter cord. Changing a hard drive from FAT32 to FATX will allow you to use it in an Xbox 360. FATX is a modified version of the FAT32 file system that is specific to the Xbox 360 platform. Sometimes a hard drive needs to be replaced. If the hard drive is replaced with a nonfactory drive, then it will need to be formatted to FATX before the Xbox 360 can use it. And they also fail to get detect by the FatX USB formatting tool for Windows. My non-modded Original Xbox is the correct version (for softmodding) as well. Is there anywhere I can buy pre FatX formatted USBs? I've looked on eBay but had no luck. Thanks for any help.

Apr 1, 2019
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North Korea
I'd like to introduce FATX-Tools, which are some tools I wrote that may help some of you find some extra goodies in your XBOX and X360 hard drives. These are data recovery tools that can help some of you find and recover deleted content. They handle both dev and retail drives.Fatx Format Tool
I also need to mention that these tools are not exactly finished, but they have helped some people recover some interesting data in the past.
- You will need to have created an image of your hard drive. Make sure that this image is uncompressed before using these tools.
- You will need Python 2.7 installed. The exact version used to develop these tools can be found here: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2716/
- Then you need to download FATX-Tools from my repo here: https://github.com/aerosoul94/fatx-toolsFatx Format Tool
Run main_gui.py in a command prompt like so python main_gui.pyFatx.
From there you open your image file within the GUI and it will display the current file system of files that have Fatx Format Toolnot been deleted.
ToolAt this point you would right click any partition to perform actions upon it as shown above.
The Recover File System option will only extract the current contents of the file system. This does not recover deleted files.
It's important to understand that undeleted file contents are never guaranteed as file data may have been overwritten. Now I need to explain the differences of each method of analysis.
  • Orphan Analysis - This method searches for file system meta data called dirents. A dirent is created for each file or directory that is (or was) in the file system and contains information about this entry. A dirent contains the file's name, file attributes, file size, the file's time stamps, and the file's location in the hard drive. As these dirents are not erased once deleted, the information mentioned is still available making recovery a possibility.
  • Signature Analysis - This method is also known as file carving. It searches for files based off of their 'signatures'. An example would be the 'magic' usually present at the beginning of a file to indicate what type of file it is (e.g. 'XBE', 'XEX2'). This type of analysis is not as reliable when it comes to recovering specific file meta data such as the name and timestamps. It tries to extract a name, if present within the file, and guess a file size based off of information from the file format. This is most useful when the dirent may have been overwritten though the file contents still exist.

Fatx Format Tool Windows 10

After selecting either of the options, the progress bar at the bottom will inform you where its at in searching through the partition. A new tab will then pop up when its finished with the results.

Fatx Format Tool

Note that above, the 'ears_godfather' folder was marked as deleted. The results of the orphan analyzer gives us what appears to be deleted contents of what may have existed somewhere within that folder.

Fatx Format Tool Download

Fatx Format Tool Online

Once again, these tools are not finished. If you have any questions or would like to report a bug please do so below or post an issue in the Github repo.