A directory of quality online resources for critical thinking. Notetaking sometimes written as notetaking or note taking is the practice of recording information captured from another source. By taking notes, the writer. Pyramid Principle Minto Pdf' />Swaraj Wikipedia. Swarj Hindi swa self, raj rule can mean generally self governance or self rule, and was used synonymously with home rule by Maharishi. Dayanand Saraswati and later on by Mahatma Gandhi,1 but the word usually refers to Gandhis concept for Indian independence from foreign domination. Swaraj lays stress on governance, not by a hierarchical government, but by self governance through individuals and community building. The focus is on political decentralisation. Since this is against the political and social systems followed by Britain, Gandhis concept of Swaraj advocated Indias discarding British political, economic, bureaucratic, legal, military, and educational institutions. S. Satyamurti, Chittaranjan Das and Motilal Nehru were among a contrasting group of Swarajists who laid the foundation for parliamentary democracy in India. Although Gandhis aim of totally implementing the concepts of Swaraj in India was not achieved, the voluntary work organisations which he founded for this purpose did serve as precursors and role models for peoples movements, voluntary organisations, and some of the non governmental organisations that were subsequently launched in various parts of India. The student movement against oppressive local and central governments, led by Jayaprakash Narayan, and the Bhoodan movement, which presaged demands for land reform legislation throughout India, and which ultimately led to Indias discarding of the Zamindari system of land tenure and social organisationgdf, were also inspired by the ideas of Swaraj. Key conceptseditSwami Dayanand Saraswati, founder of the Arya Samaj and a Hindu reformer, defined swaraj as the administration of self or democracy. Swami Dayanand Saraswati, beginning with the premise that God had created people free to perform any work they were inclined to choose, then questioned the legitimacy of the foreign British occupation to make the Indian nation slaves on their own land In the Swamis view, swaraj was the basis for freedom fighting. Dadabhai Navroji said that he had learnt the word swaraj from the Satyarth Prakash of Saraswati. Swaraj warrants a stateless society. According to Mahatma Gandhi, the overall impact of the state on the people is harmful. He called the state a soulless machine which, ultimately, does the greatest harm to mankind. The raison detre of the state is that it is an instrument of serving the people. But Gandhi feared that in the name of moulding the state into a suitable instrument of serving people, the state would abrogate the rights of the citizens and arrogate to itself the role of grand protector and demand abject acquiescence from them. In finance, an exchange rate also known as a foreignexchange rate, forex rate, ER, FX rate or Agio between two currencies is the rate at which one currency will be. This would create a paradoxical situation where the citizens would be alienated from the state and at the same time enslaved to it, which, according to Gandhi, was demoralising and dangerous. If Gandhis close acquaintance with the working of the state apparatus in South Africa and in India strengthened his suspicion of a centralised, monolithic state, his intimate association with the Congress and its leaders confirmed his fears about the corrupting influence of political power and his skepticism about the efficacy of the party systems of power politics due to which he resigned from the Congress on more than one occasion only to be persuaded back each time and his study of the British parliamentary systems convinced him that representative democracy was incapable of meting out justice to people. Gandhi thought it necessary to evolve a mechanism to achieve the twin objectives of empowering the people and empowering the state. It was for this that he developed the two pronged strategy of resistance to the state and reconstruction through voluntary and participatory social action. Although the word Swaraj means self rule, Gandhi gave it the content of an integral revolution that encompasses all spheres of life At the individual level Swaraj is vitally connected with the capacity for dispassionate self assessment, ceaseless self purification and growing self reliance. Politically, swaraj is self government and not good government for Gandhi, good government is no substitute for self government and it means a continuous effort to be independent of government control, whether it is foreign government or whether it is national. In other words, it is sovereignty of the people based on pure moral authority. Economically, Swaraj means full economic freedom for the toiling millions. And in its fullest sense, Swaraj is much more than freedom from all restraints, it is self rule, self restraint, and could be equated with moksha or salvation. Adopting Swaraj means implementing a system whereby the state machinery is virtually nil, and the real power directly resides in the hands of people. Gandhi said Power resides in the people, they can use it at any time. This philosophy rests inside an individual who has to learn to be master of his own self and spreads upwards to the level of his community which must be dependent only on itself. Gandhi said In such a state where swaraj is achieved everyone is his own ruler. He rules himself in such a manner that he is never a hindrance to his neighbour. He summarised the core principle like this It is Swaraj when we learn to rule ourselves. Gandhi explained his vision in 1. Independence begins at the bottom. Pyramid Principle Minto Pdf' />A society must be built in which every village has to be self sustained and capable of managing its own affairs. It will be trained and prepared to perish in the attempt to defend itself against any onslaught from without. This does not exclude dependence on and willing help from neighbours or from the world. It will be a free and voluntary play of mutual forces. In this structure composed of innumerable villages, there will be ever widening, never ascending circles. Pyramid Principle Minto Pdf' />Growth will not be a pyramid with the apex sustained by the bottom. But it will be an oceanic circle whose center will be the individual. Therefore the outermost circumference will not wield power to crush the inner circle but will give strength to all within and derive its own strength from it. Gandhi was undaunted by the task of implementing such a utopian vision in India. He believed that by transforming enough individuals and communities, society at large would change. He said It may be taunted with the retort that this is all Utopian and, therefore not worth a single thought. Let India live for the true picture, though never realisable in its completeness. We must have a proper picture of what we want before we can have something approaching it. After GandhieditAfter Gandhis assassination Vinoba Bhave formed the Sarva Seva Sangh at the national level and Sarvodya Mandals at the regional level to the carry on integrated village service with the end purpose of achieving the goal of Swaraj. Geforce experience mac. Two major nonviolent movements for socio economic and political revolution in India the Bhoodan movement led by Vinoba Bhave and the Total Revolution movement led by Jayaprakash Narayan were actually formed under the aegis of the ideas of Swaraj. These movements had some success, but due to the socialist tendencies of Nehruvian India were not able to unleash the kind of revolution that was aimed at. Gandhis model of Swaraj was almost entirely discarded by the Indian government. Note taking Wikipedia. President Jimmy Carters Notes from his private meeting with Pope John Paul II, October 6, 1. Note taking sometimes written as notetaking or note taking is the practice of recording information captured from another source. By taking notes, the writer records the essence of the information, freeing their mind from having to recall everything. Notes are commonly drawn from a transient source, such as an oral discussion at a meeting, or a lecture notes of a meeting are usually called minutes, in which case the notes may be the only record of the event. Note taking is a form of self discipline. HistoryeditNote taking has been an important part of human history and scientific development. The Ancient Greeks developed hypomnema, personal records on important subjects. In the Renaissance and early modern period commonplace books which served a similar function became popular. Philosopher John Locke developed an indexing system3 which served as a model for commonplace books for example, it inspired another book, Bells Common Place Book, Formed generally upon the Principles Recommended and Practised by Mr Locke nearly a century later. Cognitive psychologyeditNote taking is a central aspect of a complex human behavior related to information management involving a range of underlying mental processes and their interactions with other cognitive functions. The person taking notes must acquire and filter the incoming sources, organize and restructure existing knowledge structures, comprehend and write down their interpretation of the information, and ultimately store and integrate the freshly processed material. The result is a knowledge representation, and a memory storage. SystemseditMany different formats are used to structure information and make it easier to find and to understand, later. The format of the initial record may often be informal andor unstructured. One common format for such notes is shorthand, which can allow large amounts of information to be put on paper very quickly. Note taking is an important skill for students, especially at the college level. In some contexts, such as college lectures, the main purpose of taking notes may be to implant the material in the mind the written notes themselves being of secondary importance. Historically, note taking was an analog process, written in notebooks, or other paper methods like Post It notes. In the digital age, computers, tablet PCs and personal digital assistants PDAs are common. Note taking is a race against time. The note taker typically is under severe time pressure, and different note taking styles and techniques try to make the best use of time. The average rate of speech is 23 words per second, but the average handwriting speed as only 0. Regardless of the medium paper, computer, note taking can be broadly divided into linear and nonlinear methods, which can be combined. Linear note takingeditOutliningeditOutlines tend to proceed down a page, using headings and bullets to structure information. A common system consists of headings that use Roman numerals, letters of the alphabet, and Arabic numerals at different levels. A typical structure would be I. First main topic. Detail. 2. Detail. Cara Install Microsoft Office 2010 Tanpa Cd more. B. Subtopic. II. Second main topic. A. Subtopic. However, this sort of structure has limitations in written form since it is difficult to go back and insert more information. Adaptive systems are used for paper and pen insertions, such as using the reverse side of the preceding page in a spiral notebook to make insertions. Or one can simply leave large spaces in between items, to enable more material to be inserted. Brookstone active sport massager. The above method is effective for most people, but you can be creative in making your own method. See Category Outliners for more about application software that supports outlining. However, computerized note taking, whether with a word processor, an outliner like Workflowy, or a digital notebook program such as One. Note, Evernote or Tiddly. Wiki, provides the opportunity to revise easily and add more entries or rows to the outline. Non linear note takingeditThere are many types of non linear note taking techniques, including Clustering,6Concept mapping,78Cornell system,9 Idea mapping,1. Instant replays,1. Ishikawa diagrams,1. Knowledge maps,1. Learning maps,1. Mind mapping,1. Model maps,1. Pyramid principle,1. Semantic networks,1. Smart. Wisdom. 1. The following are details about a few. Chartingedit. A mind map connects ideas together visually. MappingeditHere, ideas are written in a tree structure, with lines connecting them together. Mind maps, also referred to as brain storming are commonly drawn from a central point, purpose or goal in the center of the page and then branching outward to identify all the ideas connected to that goal. Colors, small graphics and symbols are often used to help to visualize the information more easily. This note taking method is most common among visual learners and is a core practice of many accelerated learning techniques. It is also used for planning and writing essays. Sentence methodeditEvery new thought is written as a new line. Speed is the most desirable attribute of this method, because not much thought about formatting is needed to form the layout and create enough space for more notes. When taking these notes, you can number them or bullet them. This method can allow the reader to tell where a new thought ends and begins. This strategy is short and helpful, especially when a professor or teacher may need to read the notes. SQ3. R is a method of taking notes from written material, though it might be better classed as a method of reading and gaining understanding. Material is skimmed to produce a list of headings, that are then converted into questions. Serial Toolbook 11.5 there. These questions are then considered whilst the text is read to provide motivation for what is being covered. Notes are written under sections headed by the questions as each of the materials sections is read. One then makes a summary from memory, and reviews the notes. SQ3. RSurvey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. Guided noteseditSometimes lecturers may provide handouts of guided notes, which provide a map of the lecture content with key points or ideas missing. Students then fill in missing items as the lecture progresses. Guided notes may assist students in following lectures and identifying the most important ideas from a lecture. This format provides students with a framework, yet requires active listening as opposed to providing copies of powerpoint slides in their entirety. Research has shown that guided notes improve students recording of critical points in lecture as well as their quiz scores on related content. Electronic note taking methodseditThe growing ubiquity of laptops in universities and colleges has led to a rise in electronic note taking. Many students write their notes in word processors or prepare digital hand written notes using a graphics tablet or tablet computer and styli or digital pens, with the aid of note taking software. Online applications are receiving growing attention from students who can forward notes using email, or otherwise make use of collaborative features in these applications and can also download the texts as a file txt, rtf.

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Descargar Mugen The King Of Fighters Memorial Special Edition 2012

Offical description
The King of Fighters Memorial is a fan-game based on the popular King of Fighters series produced by SNK Playmore. It was created on the freeware 2D fighting game engine M.U.G.E.N by Zelgadis with some assistance from others. A demo version of the game was initially released in 2007 along with various trailers posted on Youtube, with the official full version being released in 2008. It has since then been updated numerous times for bug-fixes and new additions to the game.
My opinion :P
King of Fighters Memorial: Special Edition 2012 is a free fan made 2D fighting game based on The King Of Fighters series. Basically its just dumping king of fighters,fan made and some other characters from other games into this game. You bros should try it out especially fighting games are your thing. The MUGEN game engine is quite smooth compared to the early arcade versions of the offical King Of Fighters series. Playing this game Co-Op is limited to your keyboard unless you can share screen and keyboard with someone else without lag .
Controls(Default)(P1/P2)Movement keys wasd/up,down,left,right arrow keys
Fast Light kick: j/1
Slow Strong kick: k/2
Counter attack:l/3
Fast Light punch: u/4
Slow Strong punch:i/5
Evasive roll: o/6
Player 2's controls are on the numpad
Game modesTeam play: Play the story mode.
Team challedge: Fight against a friend
Team Co-Op: Story mode with a friend
Endless play: Fight a endless number of opponents. How long can you last?
Endless Co-Op: Endless play with a friend
Practice: Practice your moves and combos without the opponent fighting back. (You can control the dummy player with player 2's controls)
Watch: Watch the computer players fight each other with the characters and background of your choice.
OptionsGame difficulty, life, time limit, game speed, volume, controls can be adjusted in options
BlockingBlocking completely blocks normal attacks and greatly reduce the damage taken from special and desperation moves.
Blocking is done by moving backwards of your character.
Command attack (Throws)Command attacks are done by holding the movement key towards the opponent and pressing strong punch or strong kick button when near. A successful command attack will result in you throwing the opponent. If your opponent catches you with a command attack, you have a split second to press a button to cancel the throw or enjoy the ride.
Power GaugeYour power gauge is displayed under your health bar. Hitting the opponent,blocking attacks and doing special moves charge up the power guage. Charge up to a certain extend and it will be considered as one stock.The number of stocks you have will be shown as a number. Doing a desperation move, evasive roll/counter attack while blocking will use up the stocks. Normal characters can hold up to 3 stocks, boss characters can have up to 5 stocks.
StrikersSome characters have strikers. Strikers are characters that can be called in to perform a single special move. Strikers can be knocked out of the stage before they attack, making them act as 'shields' for the character who posses them. I think strikers are activated by certain button combinations not used by anything else.
Evasive roll and counter attackDuring an evasive roll or counter attack, the player is invulnerable to attacks. Doing a evasive roll/counter attack when blocking a enemy attack will cost one stock and the counter attack won't damage the opponent. Pressing light punch and light kick will also result in doing an evasive roll and pressing strong punch and strong kick together does a counter attack.
Special moves and desperation movesSpecial moves are the player's own unique moves which deal some damage and can be used as many times as the player wants
Desperation moves are strong moves that are either unique or simply upgraded versions of certain special moves. Doing a desperation move will freeze the game for half a second and a flash of light will appear on your character before actually doing it.
Desperation moves consume one stock, super desperation moves which are more powerful than desperation moves will consume at least 2 stocks. Give special/desperation moves a name to make them easier to talk about to others. As for how to do a special/desperation move, just seach for 'king of fighters move list'. All moves are done in similar way so some trial and error should result in performing a special move or desperation move.
Super cancel and Dream cancelA Super Cancer is done by doing a desperation move during a special move.
A Dream Cancer is done by doing a super desperation move during a desperation move. Special move> super cancel> dream cancel combination is deadly.
Heres 2 gameplay videos on the original version of king of fighters memorial. Showing everything that can be done in-game except for strikers and dream cancel.
Notes- Some bosses and characters are slightly or not affected by difficulty changes.
- Some characters are capable of long or infinite combos. Don't get caught.
- In story mode, you have to fight a series of random characters before fighting a fixed order of bosses.
Good Luck.
Download links and instructions.(According to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_yAJBws_io)
For USA Users:
If it asks for the password, the password is 'GamersLDM'
NOTE: Download both files (click SLOW for free) and then use WinRar to extract the part 1 and you will get the whole game (part 2 will extract automatically)The post was edited 11 times, last by baronzero: Minor changes. Gear iconx 2018 manager for mac. ().
- Some bosses and characters are slightly or not affected by difficulty changes.