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At Super Fitness we take pride in our top-quality, well-maintained facilities, operated by a friendly, knowledgeable staff, and always affordable to our Toledo citizens – long before the tough economic times.
Equally important to us is the integral part Super Fitness plays in the greater Toledo area. We are a civic minded organization and believe in giving back. Some of the many ways Super Fitness supports the community are through participation in service programs such as blood drives for the American Red Cross, food and clothing collections for the homeless shelters, and various school projects, to name a few. It is our pleasure to host the Ohio Police and Fire Games as well as fundraiser for worthy causes such as the MDA and breast cancer awareness. Local businesses and our fitness members enjoy the benefits of exciting cross-promotions with Super Fitness from parties and concerts to car racing and car giveaways. It is this kind of giving back that has earned Super Fitness its positive reputation and we will continue to “pass it on”.
Do something great for yourself! Come to Super Fitness where we care about our members – mind, body, & spirit! Fitness and cardio membership for only $19.95 per month! Come see for yourself.
- 2 Convenient Co-Ed Locations
- Cardio Club
- Circuit Training
- Free Weights
- Group Exercise Classes
- Ladies Only Club
- Wheelchair Accessible Equipment
- Swimming Pool, Whirlpool, Saunas
- Beginner & Weight Loss Programs
- Senior Citizen Programs
- Super Fit Kid’s
- FREE Personal Training
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A Private Membership Health Club
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Welcome Dear Ones, to the world of health, vitality, and spirituality! Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club is a Private Sector Private Health Club which simply specializes in Regenerative Detoxification, focusing on the great Lymphatic System.

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Why a Private Membership Health Club?

Dr. Morse has always sought to speak the truth, and to bring that truth to those who are ready to hear it. Over the years this has become a delicate balance, to bring the light and the truth while remaining out of the crosshairs of those with a vested interest in keeping the public in a chronic state of disease and suffering.
Nissan navara d40 king cab service manual. The creation of a private membership health association changes the game, and allows us greater freedom in our mission to help restore health, vitality and harmony to this planet. It also offers our members the freedom to exercise their right to pursuing health and wellness!
Super Health Club Phillip Route
Membership Benefits
+ Protection of the Freedom of Association as guaranteed by the 1st and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution
+ Activities are restricted to the private domain where State and Federal Agencies have little or no jurisdiction
+ Access to full website, including online store
+ Access to clinic services and International School of Detoxification intensives
+ Access to Educational Materials and Therapeutic Tools
+ And Much More to Come!
Dr. Morse is a pioneer in the field of Natural Health, sharing with you over 45 years of knowledge and experience. Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club's primary focus is to provide education; defining the function of the great lymphatic system like never before taught on this planet. These teachings are formatted in such a way that each participant has an opportunity to understand the simplicity of health, as the truth naturally empowers one to take control.
Our Club is an educational, teaching and counselling Club where you are welcomed by like-minded souls who want to help you learn how to improve your own state of health. Enjoy myriad resources, all free of charge, so that you can embrace your journey and follow the path to Wellville, educated and confident!
God did not create herbs for diseases, rather they are intended for the various tissues, organs and glands of the body as well as its two major fluids: blood and lymph. Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club teaches the value of an alkaline diet as well as the proper usage of botanicals (herbs) in order to overcome one's personal health concerns.
Super Health Club Phillip Final
Our Club specializes in Herbal formulas designed to aid the structure and function of the cells of the human body, as well as positively effecting the two fluids of the body: blood and lymph.
The theory of disease is a fallacy. The answers to man's suffering are seen through the eyes of science--cause and its effect--not the fabricated concept of disease. Basic chemistry and physics can be easy for each and every member to learn and understand. Chemistry is always the study of cause and/or effect. Acid or Alkaline…
Come join our Club and have fun learning how to get well, no matter what your health needs may be! Some of the benefits of a private membership health association include access to the following:
+ Topic specific videos created by Dr. Morse specifically for members,
+ Spiritual Insights,
+ Access to many full-color, free educational PDF's available for download,
+ A catalogue of books available for ordering, penned by members of our Club,
+ A collection of valuable news articles and scientific studies,
+ Limited phone or email support from a staff certified Detoxification Specialists,
+ Counseling appointments with our Health Guidance Counselors,
+ A comprehensive line of herbal products to help you on your journey to Wellville,
+ And many other resources and educational materials to help set you up for success as you begin your health quest.
+ Our YouTube videos are accessible and free to all on Dr. Morse's YouTube channel.
We look forward to sharing this exciting adventure with all of you!
In Health,
Dr. Robert Morse and the Staff at Dr. Morse's Herbal Health Club